A Message from Dr. L. McNeese & Bishop Sherman L. Merritt

September 1, 2023

Dear F.A.C. Bible Student, Greetings I.T.N.O.J.! 

Your final theological training exam on How to Preach and Help Everyone, Part II has been uploaded into the test portal at our council website, www.firstapostoliccouncil.com.  

Once you log on, you may use your notes and handouts to complete the 20-question quiz.  The complete PowerPoint presentation is also available on the website for your convenience.

The test portal will open on Saturday, September 2nd at 12:01 am. You will have approximately 4 weeks to complete the assignment. The deadline for completion of this task is Wednesday, September 27th at 11:59 p.m.  

Remember, it is my firm belief that 99 ½ won’t do.   Ergo, you must receive a 100% passing score to receive your certificate of completion and have your name recognized in the general assembly at our annual session in June 2024. 

Our next seminar will be held in Kentucky at the Paducah Convention Center on Friday, September 29th at 1 p.m.   Our workshop topics are:

o   Apostolic Thought Experiments (Critical Thinking)

o   Introduction to Logical Fallacies

o   “Jesus Only” (Deconstructing Trinitarian Pejoratives)

Our diocesan, the Honorable Bishop Sherman L. Merritt, is proud of the progress that his council Bible students are making.  I thank you for your continued obedience to the Bishop’s directive and for continuing to faithfully search the scriptures with me during our theological training courses.  

Please remember that if you have any questions or problems accessing the portal, contact Missionary Antoinette Jones, BGS, M.A. at (931) 801-8185 or at assistsecretary98@lmcneese.com.


Dr. Mac

F.A.C. Christian Education & Theological Training Director